Monday, 28 April 2014

Join the High Yellow Success Team

  Tell us what it is you want to achieve.

Telling other High Yellows about your aims will help you to achieve them. 
Having other High Yellows on your side can help you: 
Clarify what needs to be done. 
Offer encouragement. 
Help you keep score and stay focused. 
Provide you with much-needed support when the going gets tough and make life seem easier. 

Begin by deciding on "What" to improve on. 

Step 1. Ask yourself "How can I Be and Do Better?" 
Whether it is to improve skills, change behaviour, or better your family life or business. What is it for you? 
Computer skills? Your typing speed? Your sales skills? Maybe your cooking skills, 
health and fitness, money management, or perhaps playing the piano? 
What do you need or want to do? 
"I need to get my company's books finalized." 
"I need to clean out the attic." 
"I need to make an appointment for medical tests that I have been avoiding." 
"I need to better promote my business." 
Maybe there is a conversation that you have been avoiding.. Maybe something that you want to do? Change your career, or further your education? 
Identify the steps you need to take to accomplish this task. 
Once you have identified "What" you are ready for the next step. 

Step 2. "By When will you do it?" 
"Sometime" becomes a commitment when a date is set. 
The deadline energy of having an appointment, or with assignments due can motivate completion and give you an incentive to even do more. 

Step 3. Report "When you've done it!" 
This is the most important part. Once you have completed your task, report immediately to your fellow High Yellow 
Success Team members that you have done it. 
We will help you Celebrate, and give you the recognition you deserve and ask the question: "What is the next task that you need, want or have to do?" 
Your role as a member of your High Yellow Success Team is to become genuinely interested in helping the members of your team become better at what she/he is doing. You will, of course, also be working on the tasks that are important for your own success and happiness! 
Begin today getting more things done, making good friends, and having fun! 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

iMA High Yellows Hanging out on Google Plus

High Yellows are in the Minority. 
We communicate.... think.... use time.... make decisions...handle emotions...manage stress.. have wants and needs ... that are different than most people.

No one understands you better than other High Yellows,because they have the same comfort zone
( iMA high color) as you.Your priorities are the same, and you  look at and filter the world through the same eyes and ears.

 Here's a great opportunity  to Connect and hang out with other like minded outgoing Enthusiastic High Yellows on Google Plus and do what we like to do best i.e. Exchange Ideas and have Fun!

Join me and other High Yellows in this community on Google Plus that has been created exclusively for you!

Just click here!

Support the ideas of your High Yellow Brothers and Sisters on Google Plus! you will find the people that you are looking for here!

James Knight

iMA Master Practitioner

Friday, 15 February 2013

At a Glance… High Yellows Only

At a Glance… High Yellows Only


Now that you have identified yourself as being a Right Brained thinking Assertive High Yellow  here are some recommended next steps!
If you haven't already...
Answer the new 3G video version of the iMA questionnaire click here.
Take the opportunity to send it to your business associates, family members and friends. Tell them "iMA High Yellow" and ask ”What colour are you?”

Attend the "Discover your High Yellow Areas of Brilliance" web session where the focus is on your natural talents, the things that you do best, and where you will receive your greatest rewards.
For more information and to register, click here.
Download an MP3 that uses positive self programming to help change High Yellow inner dialogue and erase and replace limiting patterns, click here.
Meet your Fellow like minded Fun loving High Yellows on:
  High Yellows on SunZu     click here!
  High Yellows on Linkedin    click here!
  High Yellows on Facebook   click here!

  High Yellows on Google Plus  click here!
(Introduce yourself and soon you will know it is true,” birds of a feather flock together!)
Communication from people we are Connected to gets far better reception than from those we are not. You can help others get to know you and Get Connected when you...
Add your High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook and Twitter profile photo, click here!
And on your SunZu profile page click here!

Learn more about iMA and Get High Yellow updates:
iMA blogger click here!
Twitter click here!

Whatever it is that you want…
an iMA Practitioner can help you achieve it!
Click here! for a list of an ever-increasing number of Accredited iMA Practitioners around the world!

All the Best!

James Knight

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Special Invitation ...High Yellows only!!!

                                                                  Happy New Year!!!

 Attention High Yellows!!! You are invited to attend a Free web session specially designed

to teach you the things you need to know about the universal language of iMA  enabling you  to influence others to get more done, in less time and effort.

For more information and to reserve your place click here

Chances are you will be glad you did!

Looking forward to talking with you soon!

All the best

James Knight

Friday, 9 November 2012

What happens when a room is filled with High Yellows only?

We High Yellows need and are most comfortable in an environment that is stimulating and interactive and filled with positive upbeat people.
 For High Yellows the sun is always shining 1mile up! We like to add a playful touch and to make work fun!

When you are in the company of only High Yellows conversation flows freely
sharing interesting stories and anecdotes.
It is not unusual to stray off the subject but no one seems to mind.

Being “idea people” it is impossible not to get excited about the generation and exchange of fresh new ideas. The enthusiasm is  contagious!

Does being in a room filled exclusively with other likeminded, outgoing, enthusiastic High Yellows sound like Fun!
If the answer is yes!
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month in London at the Avista Bar in the Millennium Hotel Grosvenor Square.

                                                       Space is limited so book here now!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Fellow High Yellows in Wiltshire, Frankfurt, Warsaw, Oxford, Johannesburg

iMA is a universal language of Connectivity.

Regardless of age,background,life experience,culture share the same iMA dialect with 25% of the worlds population that looks at and filters the world through your eyes and ears.

Nobody understands a High Yellow's desire to be around stimulating people and your need to exchange ideas better another High Yellow.

Meet and say hello to other Fun loving enthusiastic High Yellows on Linkedin.

Liz Harwood - Wiltshire UK

'Hey, I love being a High Yellow! Creative, a maverick and an Aquarian. James this programme is fantastic, I gauge all my connections via the iMA colours so I know just how to talk to them and get the best out of our communications. Other High Yellows feel free to get in touch.'

Birgit Gerlach - Frankfurt Germany

'Just wanted to say hi to my fellow High Yellows! I am based in Germany, got to know James' great iMA program already a long time ago on Ecademy and like it very much. I work for a software development company specialised on Java, and I have no big project to introduce here.'

Larry Gardiner - Oxford UK

'My name is Larry. I am 60 and have early onset dementia. I'm on a yellow mission to connect with others to create a national support and campaigning group. Connecting and engaging and networking and mentoring and befriending are all Yellow activities where I use what I have learned to create good outcomes and to pursue sustainable impact. Id like to connect with any other Yellows who might be interested.'

Malgorzata Krukowska - Warsaw Poland

'Hi, I'm home again smile . After being immersed in some "blue/red" groups glad to have joined my favorite High yellow IMAs. I'm Social Media & PR Expert who likes working with people, organizing networking events and connecting people, businesses and ideas.'

Are you a High Yellow in the London area?

Meet other High Yellow's in London Tuesday, Nov 6th to do what we all do best... exchange ideas and anecdotes, socialize and have fun! Click here for more information !

Congratulations! Engela Schemel - Johannesburg South Africa

For recently becoming an Accredited iMA Practitioner!

'Hello fellow HIGH YELLOWS! Absolutely awesome meeting you here. I am an Acc. iMA Practitioner, and I am the first iMA Practitioner in Africa smile looking forward conversing and learning on this platform! Many blessings to you all!'

If you haven't already joined the Meet Fun loving and enthusiastic High Yellows Group on Linkedin you can do it here now.

Once you join, you can download your Free Gift that is a sound approach to reaching High Yellow potential.

Next help your fellow High Yellows get to know you by introducing yourself here. 

In addition to Connecting with Fantastic High Yellows from all over the world you will receive an abundance of free information about iMA and tips on how to Multiply your Effectiveness.

Now that you are a member, click here for your first tip!

Please let me know if you have any questions. In fact I would like to be your first Connection on Linkedin with iMA. Please send me an Invitation to Connect here!

All the Best

James Knight

iMA Master Practitioner

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

"Come on all you High Yellows" Thomas Power

A lot has changed since Ecademy Chairman Thomas Power first called out "Come on all you High Yellows" at the launch introducing iMA to over 200 people at the Tower Hotel London in November 2008. 

However, with all of these changes High Yellows haven't changed.
We love to have fun, socialize and meet and interact with others especially if they are positive and upbeat.

We thrive on being where the Action is!

Don't miss the opportunity to meet other Fun loving enthusiastic High Yellows!
Starting with a Networking evening event on November 6th at the Millennium Hotel Mayfair London! More info and to book click here!

Join fellow High Yellows in London to do what we all do best i.e. exchange ideas and anecdotes, socialise and have fun! 

Experience the instant Connection and enthusiasm when High Yellows meet face to face. 

For more information and to book click here! 

"Come on all you High Yellows!"
Looking forward to meeting you!

All the best 

James Knight

iMA High Yellow
iMA High Yellow - What colour are you ?