Thursday, 21 July 2011

Enthusiastic fun loving High Yellows iMAges!

Add your iMA High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook and Twitter Profile photo!

Just click on the High Yellow iMAge

Tip: for best results slide the bar to the smallest size and position it at least shoulder height on your photo!

Meet like minded enthusiastic High Yellows on Facebook here!

Your effectiveness,success,happiness and future depends on your ability to connect with others.

Learn how to connect with others at every level of your life!
iMA can help you, increase sales, gain friends and associates, charm a new partner,
and earn more money.
Gain a greater skill with an iMA Training Program…

In this program you will receive (especially for High Yellows) "How to Connect with and Influence People using iMA" downloadable MP4.

You will also get a PDF Guide to Identifying and Understanding iMA color styles.

That's not all, included in this program is a 15 minute MP3 on "How to Talk to Yourself."  Learn how to erase and replace High Yellow limiting patterns of behavior by changing the way you talk to yourself.

Review it as often as you like until it becomes a part of you! 

As an added bonus you will get an MP3 version so that you can learn about iMA principles fundamentals and concepts even when you are on the go! All for a one time price of £49.95 (approximately $60.00).
Order today you will be glad you did!

All the best

James Knight

Master iMA Practitioner

On Twitter:!/jamesdknight!/ima_highyellow!/ima_believer

The better you are at Connecting with others the better the quality of your life!
Get to know others better by asking them “What colour are you?” If they don’t know they can find out Now on Facebook! here

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Breaking News for iMA High Yellow Singles!

If you are a High Yellow  and single when it comes to dating, the best potential mates are other High Yellows according to a recent study by researchers from the University of California at Berkeley.

After monitoring unsolicited messages of over 3000 members of an online dating site
researchers concluded that High Yellow users were drawn to other High Yellows.

According to the report, the researchers claim the results prove that opposites do not attract at all, and that like is drawn towards like.

Another recent study in the US produced similar results, but found that single men and women like to claim that they were attracted to someone who was there opposite.

The researchers then conducted a follow-up study of more than 1 million users and found a similar result-concluding that when it comes to dating, potential mates stick to someone who is on the same wavelength. Meaning that if you are a High Yellow that you should look to other High Yellows in finding your perfect partner.

Their answers show that although most High Yellows showed a preference for other High Yellows however, 
87.5% of the participants still claimed that they wanted to find a High Green partner.

The researchers suggested that many like the romantic notion that opposites attract, even if they did not apply it in real life.

Because High Yellows are the complete opposite to High Greens they:

  • Think differently.
  • Decide differently
  • Use time differently
  • Work at a different pace
  • Communicate differently
  • Handle emotions differently
  • Manage stress differently
  • Deal with conflicting opinions differently

These facts help explain why it's quite a stretch for High Yellows to maintain fulfilling relationships with High Greens, and with a divorce rate of nearly 50% the more you think about it, the less surprising it is.

If it is too late and you are a High Yellow that is already in a relationship with a High Green  iMA can help you both connect like never before.
Click here for some more information.

Are you a learning and development professional interested in gaining more clients?
If the answer is yes! then chances are you will want to read this blog "iMA Answering My Prayers for More Clients! here.

Ask me about becoming an Accredited iMA Practitioner just click here!

iMA is the universal language designed to aid in communications and maximize connectivity in the digital age.

Communication from people we are connected to gets far better reception than from those we are not.

Help others get to know you and Get Connected by telling them you are an Enthusiastic Fun Loving High Yellow!

Add your iMA High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook and Twitter Profile photo!

Just click on  your  High Yellow iMAge.

Tip: for best results slide the bar to the smallest size and position it at least shoulder height on your photo!

All the Best,

James Knight

Have you seen the Video on what it means to be iMA High Green? You will be glad you did!