Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Do Real Men wear Yellow?

High Yellows thrive on being in the spotlight and as a rule like to add a light touch,
and prefer to make work Fun!
This can sometimes get them in trouble with left brain thinking High Reds and High Greens who don't think they are taking things seriously which at times is the case.
Here Phil Shepherd demonstrates the High Yellow sense of humour.

Phil is a High Yellow that you will be glad that you Connected with!

In answer to Lisa Thomkas introduction on the High Yellow Group forum where she asked the question.
@Do real men wear YELLOW?


Back in the days of my misspent youth I remember going out for the evening with friends while on a business trip to Paris wearing a canary YELLOW shirt, YELLOW jeans, YELLOW jacket and........wait for it.........yes.......YELLOW underpants.

We ended up at Au Pied de cochon where the decor, drapes, tablecloths and the waiter's aprons were all YELLOW!

And yes, I am a real man 

Areas of interest that you might have in common with Phil

Gooisoft, Thinking, Psychology, Innovation, Creative, Intuitive, Empathy, Lateral Thinking,Enthusiastic, Passionate, Mindful, Minimalist, Brainstorm, 3D, Mindmapping, Philosophy,Learning, Planning, Strategy, Training, Software, Problem Solving, Philanthropy, Joint Ventures, Computer-Enhanced Intelligence, Charity, Trustee

Click here for more information on Peter and how to Connect with him.

If you are a High Yellow!

Introduce yourself to like minded fun loving High Yellows like Phil on Ecademy here.

Introduce yourself to High Yellows on Facebook here.

Help others get to know you better by adding your High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook profile photo

Add your High Yellow iMAge to your Twitter photohere

Get your High Yellow iMAge here!

To identify the iMA dialect that you speak! 

iMA Accredited iMA Practitioners can teach you the things you need to know to Connect with others at every level of your life.

Meet High Yellow Peter Jones

iMA identifies what you and others love most, creating a climate where people feel valued.

We are the most comfortable with those we are the most alike.
Stress and tension comes when you mix the 4 iMA dialects because each has  different priorities and feel more comfortable operating at a different pace.
The universal language of iMA can help you Connect with others that are on a different wavelength than you!
 Each iMA high colour has areas of areas of brilliance as recognised here by High Yellow Peter Jones, who if you have not Connected with should.
Take my word for it you will be glad you did!

Hi James,

I think there is significant mileage in helping colours understand one another, and work with one another.
So we need to bring out the benefits of each of the colours as a market message, and the benefits of team working, also speaking different "colour languages".
I hope to be blogging shortly on the subject, if I can clear various backlogs and paperwork
(groan !)

Areas of interest that you might have in common with Peter

Friendly, Fun, Agenda Setting, Objectives, Business Growth, Innovation, Evolution, Business Networking, Product Development, Team, Demand Led Marketing, Customer Service,Project Management, Leading Edge, Emerging Technology, Analysis, Knowledge, Process,Workflow, Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Structure, Architect, Planning, Impacts,MECHANIC, Reputation, Collaboration, Community, Solutions, Education, Empowered Employees, Carers, Engagement, Potential, Compromise, Harmony, Monty Python, Ronnie Barker, Groucho & Harpo Marx

Click here for more information  on Peter and how to Connect with him.

If you are a High Yellow!

Introduce yourself to like minded fun loving High Yellows like Peter on  Ecademy.com

Introduce yourself to High Yellows on Facebook here.
Meet other High Yellows on Linkedin here
Help others get to know you better by adding your High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook profile photo
Add your High Yellow iMAge to your Twitter photo here.
 Get your High Yellow iMAge here!

 identify here the iMA dialect that you speak!  

An Accredited iMA Accredited iMA Practitioner can teach you the things you need to know to Connect with others at every level of your life.  Click here to find out more!