Friday, 9 November 2012

What happens when a room is filled with High Yellows only?

We High Yellows need and are most comfortable in an environment that is stimulating and interactive and filled with positive upbeat people.
 For High Yellows the sun is always shining 1mile up! We like to add a playful touch and to make work fun!

When you are in the company of only High Yellows conversation flows freely
sharing interesting stories and anecdotes.
It is not unusual to stray off the subject but no one seems to mind.

Being “idea people” it is impossible not to get excited about the generation and exchange of fresh new ideas. The enthusiasm is  contagious!

Does being in a room filled exclusively with other likeminded, outgoing, enthusiastic High Yellows sound like Fun!
If the answer is yes!
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month in London at the Avista Bar in the Millennium Hotel Grosvenor Square.

                                                       Space is limited so book here now!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Fellow High Yellows in Wiltshire, Frankfurt, Warsaw, Oxford, Johannesburg

iMA is a universal language of Connectivity.

Regardless of age,background,life experience,culture share the same iMA dialect with 25% of the worlds population that looks at and filters the world through your eyes and ears.

Nobody understands a High Yellow's desire to be around stimulating people and your need to exchange ideas better another High Yellow.

Meet and say hello to other Fun loving enthusiastic High Yellows on Linkedin.

Liz Harwood - Wiltshire UK

'Hey, I love being a High Yellow! Creative, a maverick and an Aquarian. James this programme is fantastic, I gauge all my connections via the iMA colours so I know just how to talk to them and get the best out of our communications. Other High Yellows feel free to get in touch.'

Birgit Gerlach - Frankfurt Germany

'Just wanted to say hi to my fellow High Yellows! I am based in Germany, got to know James' great iMA program already a long time ago on Ecademy and like it very much. I work for a software development company specialised on Java, and I have no big project to introduce here.'

Larry Gardiner - Oxford UK

'My name is Larry. I am 60 and have early onset dementia. I'm on a yellow mission to connect with others to create a national support and campaigning group. Connecting and engaging and networking and mentoring and befriending are all Yellow activities where I use what I have learned to create good outcomes and to pursue sustainable impact. Id like to connect with any other Yellows who might be interested.'

Malgorzata Krukowska - Warsaw Poland

'Hi, I'm home again smile . After being immersed in some "blue/red" groups glad to have joined my favorite High yellow IMAs. I'm Social Media & PR Expert who likes working with people, organizing networking events and connecting people, businesses and ideas.'

Are you a High Yellow in the London area?

Meet other High Yellow's in London Tuesday, Nov 6th to do what we all do best... exchange ideas and anecdotes, socialize and have fun! Click here for more information !

Congratulations! Engela Schemel - Johannesburg South Africa

For recently becoming an Accredited iMA Practitioner!

'Hello fellow HIGH YELLOWS! Absolutely awesome meeting you here. I am an Acc. iMA Practitioner, and I am the first iMA Practitioner in Africa smile looking forward conversing and learning on this platform! Many blessings to you all!'

If you haven't already joined the Meet Fun loving and enthusiastic High Yellows Group on Linkedin you can do it here now.

Once you join, you can download your Free Gift that is a sound approach to reaching High Yellow potential.

Next help your fellow High Yellows get to know you by introducing yourself here. 

In addition to Connecting with Fantastic High Yellows from all over the world you will receive an abundance of free information about iMA and tips on how to Multiply your Effectiveness.

Now that you are a member, click here for your first tip!

Please let me know if you have any questions. In fact I would like to be your first Connection on Linkedin with iMA. Please send me an Invitation to Connect here!

All the Best

James Knight

iMA Master Practitioner

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

"Come on all you High Yellows" Thomas Power

A lot has changed since Ecademy Chairman Thomas Power first called out "Come on all you High Yellows" at the launch introducing iMA to over 200 people at the Tower Hotel London in November 2008. 

However, with all of these changes High Yellows haven't changed.
We love to have fun, socialize and meet and interact with others especially if they are positive and upbeat.

We thrive on being where the Action is!

Don't miss the opportunity to meet other Fun loving enthusiastic High Yellows!
Starting with a Networking evening event on November 6th at the Millennium Hotel Mayfair London! More info and to book click here!

Join fellow High Yellows in London to do what we all do best i.e. exchange ideas and anecdotes, socialise and have fun! 

Experience the instant Connection and enthusiasm when High Yellows meet face to face. 

For more information and to book click here! 

"Come on all you High Yellows!"
Looking forward to meeting you!

All the best 

James Knight

iMA High Yellow
iMA High Yellow - What colour are you ?

Monday, 15 October 2012

Meet High Yellows on Linkedin

Hi High Yellows

With an estimated 43 million High Yellows on Linkedin I thought it was just too good an opportunity for us to miss! 

So I have just launched the Meet other Fun loving High Yellow Group on Linkedin !

Special Invitation

Connect with other enthusiastic, fast paced, energetic and outgoing High Yellows like yourself from around the world in this Linkedin group set up especially for you!
Meet exchange ideas, learn more about how the universal language of iMA can help you understand and Connect with the 75% of the people that are on a different wavelength than High Yellows.
Click to join now here!

Help other High Yellows get to know you start by introducing yourself here!

Be one of the first to join!

All the best

James Knight

P.S.Connect with me on Linkedin! 
Just Click here!

To identify the iMA dialect that you speak click here!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Do Real Men wear Yellow?

High Yellows thrive on being in the spotlight and as a rule like to add a light touch,
and prefer to make work Fun!
This can sometimes get them in trouble with left brain thinking High Reds and High Greens who don't think they are taking things seriously which at times is the case.
Here Phil Shepherd demonstrates the High Yellow sense of humour.

Phil is a High Yellow that you will be glad that you Connected with!

In answer to Lisa Thomkas introduction on the High Yellow Group forum where she asked the question.
@Do real men wear YELLOW?


Back in the days of my misspent youth I remember going out for the evening with friends while on a business trip to Paris wearing a canary YELLOW shirt, YELLOW jeans, YELLOW jacket and........wait for it.........yes.......YELLOW underpants.

We ended up at Au Pied de cochon where the decor, drapes, tablecloths and the waiter's aprons were all YELLOW!

And yes, I am a real man 

Areas of interest that you might have in common with Phil

Gooisoft, Thinking, Psychology, Innovation, Creative, Intuitive, Empathy, Lateral Thinking,Enthusiastic, Passionate, Mindful, Minimalist, Brainstorm, 3D, Mindmapping, Philosophy,Learning, Planning, Strategy, Training, Software, Problem Solving, Philanthropy, Joint Ventures, Computer-Enhanced Intelligence, Charity, Trustee

Click here for more information on Peter and how to Connect with him.

If you are a High Yellow!

Introduce yourself to like minded fun loving High Yellows like Phil on Ecademy here.

Introduce yourself to High Yellows on Facebook here.

Help others get to know you better by adding your High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook profile photo

Add your High Yellow iMAge to your Twitter photohere

Get your High Yellow iMAge here!

To identify the iMA dialect that you speak! 

iMA Accredited iMA Practitioners can teach you the things you need to know to Connect with others at every level of your life.

Meet High Yellow Peter Jones

iMA identifies what you and others love most, creating a climate where people feel valued.

We are the most comfortable with those we are the most alike.
Stress and tension comes when you mix the 4 iMA dialects because each has  different priorities and feel more comfortable operating at a different pace.
The universal language of iMA can help you Connect with others that are on a different wavelength than you!
 Each iMA high colour has areas of areas of brilliance as recognised here by High Yellow Peter Jones, who if you have not Connected with should.
Take my word for it you will be glad you did!

Hi James,

I think there is significant mileage in helping colours understand one another, and work with one another.
So we need to bring out the benefits of each of the colours as a market message, and the benefits of team working, also speaking different "colour languages".
I hope to be blogging shortly on the subject, if I can clear various backlogs and paperwork
(groan !)

Areas of interest that you might have in common with Peter

Friendly, Fun, Agenda Setting, Objectives, Business Growth, Innovation, Evolution, Business Networking, Product Development, Team, Demand Led Marketing, Customer Service,Project Management, Leading Edge, Emerging Technology, Analysis, Knowledge, Process,Workflow, Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Structure, Architect, Planning, Impacts,MECHANIC, Reputation, Collaboration, Community, Solutions, Education, Empowered Employees, Carers, Engagement, Potential, Compromise, Harmony, Monty Python, Ronnie Barker, Groucho & Harpo Marx

Click here for more information  on Peter and how to Connect with him.

If you are a High Yellow!

Introduce yourself to like minded fun loving High Yellows like Peter on

Introduce yourself to High Yellows on Facebook here.
Meet other High Yellows on Linkedin here
Help others get to know you better by adding your High Yellow iMAge to your Facebook profile photo
Add your High Yellow iMAge to your Twitter photo here.
 Get your High Yellow iMAge here!

 identify here the iMA dialect that you speak!  

An Accredited iMA Accredited iMA Practitioner can teach you the things you need to know to Connect with others at every level of your life.  Click here to find out more!

Friday, 22 June 2012

High Yellow Tip1 to Multiply Effectiveness

High Yellow Tip to Multiply Effectiveness

High Yellows, like brainstorming and generating fresh ideas and dislike tedium and routine.
To be more effective:  You need to Practice Active Listening
You can erase and replace this limiting pattern by changing your inner dialogue, the way you talk to yourself,helping you to Connect with  those on a different wavelength than you i.e.High Greens,High Blues,and High Reds.

iMA High Yellow Power Thoughts….carefully worded positive self instructions  if repeated on a regular basis will help you to replace old limiting patterns of behaviour.Mentally or audibly repeat each statement, accept each one as being true and feel the energy and empowerment that arises with your acceptance.

I am a good listener.
I always encourage others to talk about themselves.
I always practice active listening
I always seek and acknowledge the opinion of others
I always make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
I always show respect for the other person’s opinions
I always pause when speaking to give others a chance to speak

Tip: when others are talking take note where your tongue is placed. It should be at the bottom of your mouth resting on your lower teeth, if it is above your lower teeth, it means that you are waiting for the other person to finish so that you can speak, meaning that you are not listening to what they are saying.

Self confidence is fundamental to a High Yellows success,happiness and future.
If there were a  fast simple and easy way, for you to increase your Self-confidence and expand your  High Yellow comfort zone to many times what it is right now, would you be interested?
If the answer is yes !  then to find out more click here!

Whatever it is that you want, iMA can help you achieve it!
Awareness of iMA is growing and with this growth are opportunities! iMA Practitioners are trained to help people Connect at every level of their lives.
Ask me about becoming an Accredited iMA Practitioner just click here!