Friday, 22 June 2012

High Yellow Tip1 to Multiply Effectiveness

High Yellow Tip to Multiply Effectiveness

High Yellows, like brainstorming and generating fresh ideas and dislike tedium and routine.
To be more effective:  You need to Practice Active Listening
You can erase and replace this limiting pattern by changing your inner dialogue, the way you talk to yourself,helping you to Connect with  those on a different wavelength than you i.e.High Greens,High Blues,and High Reds.

iMA High Yellow Power Thoughts….carefully worded positive self instructions  if repeated on a regular basis will help you to replace old limiting patterns of behaviour.Mentally or audibly repeat each statement, accept each one as being true and feel the energy and empowerment that arises with your acceptance.

I am a good listener.
I always encourage others to talk about themselves.
I always practice active listening
I always seek and acknowledge the opinion of others
I always make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
I always show respect for the other person’s opinions
I always pause when speaking to give others a chance to speak

Tip: when others are talking take note where your tongue is placed. It should be at the bottom of your mouth resting on your lower teeth, if it is above your lower teeth, it means that you are waiting for the other person to finish so that you can speak, meaning that you are not listening to what they are saying.

Self confidence is fundamental to a High Yellows success,happiness and future.
If there were a  fast simple and easy way, for you to increase your Self-confidence and expand your  High Yellow comfort zone to many times what it is right now, would you be interested?
If the answer is yes !  then to find out more click here!

Whatever it is that you want, iMA can help you achieve it!
Awareness of iMA is growing and with this growth are opportunities! iMA Practitioners are trained to help people Connect at every level of their lives.
Ask me about becoming an Accredited iMA Practitioner just click here!

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